HVAC After Hours Request

HVAC systems will be operational during regular building operating hours (Monday – Friday, 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM). HVAC services may be to provided Tenants outside normal building hours upon request.

We must receive at least 24 hours notice in order to accommodate after hours air conditioning programming. Notices must be received by 12:00 P.M. Friday for weekend air request.

In the event of an emergency please contact our 24/hour response center at 972-596-2269.



    Space Heater Policy: The purpose of this policy is to promote the safety of the our Tenants.  The following restrictions on the use of personal and/or office area appliances are effective immediately. The use of electric space heaters (or those fueled by other means) is strictly prohibited.  Electric space heaters pose a safety risk and fire hazard by overloading building electrical circuits. They are also a very inefficient means of providing heat and often result in the discomfort of occupants in nearby offices or work areas. Individuals who believe their work area is too cold may contact the Management Office or submit a work order request to have their space evaluated.